The desire to create sculptures for visually impaired people has been with Sara H, a sculptor, for many years. To offer them the possibility to "see" art through their fingers instead of understanding it through someone else's eyes.
The idea of "Seeing is Touching" was born in 2006: to create bronze sculpture parks for people with disabilities and particularly for the visually impaired and blind. These places of exchange and communication are accessible to the entire population, free of charge and at all times.
The projects are perfectly in line with the requirements of article 30 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, in force since 2008. They meet the requirements in terms of motor, sensory and intellectual accessibility. This greatly favors the autonomy of the beneficiaries.
The work of art is one of a kind. Instead of a single sculpture it offers a line of sixteen, twenty or more to be discovered on a simple walk. Each sculpture comes with explanations in conventional and Braille writing.
The sculptures are playful and also educational and make art accessible to everybody. People use their fingers and explore the gentle forms of the bronze: a book, a figurine, a tree, a bird, and get inspired by the magic, wisdom, hope, and joy expressed with poetry by the sculptor.
The works are intended for a welcoming and easily accessible environment, urban if possible. The aim is to encourage exchange between visitors in the spirit of communication without barriers of age, nationality or society.
According to the artist's wish, the financing of each park is covered entirely by donations. It will then be offered to the city or town that will have dedicated an adequate and permanent place to it.
It is in no way a temporary exhibition but a long-term installation. Hence also the choice of bronze, a noble, timeless and durable material.